Rapunzel Rapunzel, let down your hair !
Bangkok Stars, come see me tomorrow at the ASEAN music festival !
We ROCKED BANGKOK tonight! Thanks to all my STARS who came out to shine!!
I'm So happy in Mon State right now! Love my STARS from Yè!!
အမြန္းတစ္ေယာက္ မြန္ျပည္နယ္မွာ အရမ္းေပ်ာ္ေနပါတယ္!! ေရးျမိဳ ့ ကၾကယ္ပြင့္မ်ား ေက်းဇူးပါ smile emoticon
Thanks to Closer Magazine for the cover this month !!!
Performing at Central World in Bangkok this Saturday the 20th for The Rhythm of the World Festival!! Come join me STARS!!
All wet !
Attention Bangkok STARS!! My performance at Rhythm of the World music festival is TOMORROW night @ Central World at 8pm!! Please come and let's have a beer
It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away.