Khin Injinn Kyaw at the pool party night in Novotel Hotel

Khin Injinn Kyaw at the pool party night in Novotel Hotel
 Khin Injinn Kyaw at the pool party night in Novotel Hotel

ေခ်ာကလ်ာ နဲ ့အတူ Pool Party တက္ခဲ့တဲ့ ခင္အင္ၾကင္းေက်ာ္

Khin Injinn Kyaw at the pool party night in Novotel Hotel
Khin Injinn Kyaw at the pool party night in Novotel Hotel

Khin Injinn Kyaw at the pool party night in Novotel Hotel
International Urban Pool Party was held in Novotel Max hotel in yangon last night. Miss Myanmar and Model Khin shares her photos from the party and saying never say no to this kind of event with a hashtag.